
Welcome to the International Center of Advanced Computing for Medicine (ICAM), a research center dedicated to advancing medical research through cutting-edge computing technologies.

Welcome to the International Center of Advanced Computing for Medicine (ICAM), a research center dedicated to advancing medical research through cutting-edge computing technologies.

The interuniversity center ICAM – International Center of Advanced Computing for Medicine – has been founded by the University of Pavia and the University of Italian Switzerland (USI), the administrative headquarters being in Pavia. Eight different Departments of the University of Pavia contribute transversally and synergistically to the center activities: Physics, Political Sciences, Clinical Chirurgical-Diagnostic-Pediatric Sciences, Mathematics, Brain & Behavioral Sciences, Molecular Medicine, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Industrial Engineering and Information.

The center interests are focused on the advanced computational analysis of clinical and preclinical data, with particular attention to Imaging techniques. The different research groups treat with state-of-the-art topics concerning biomedical physics and engineering, artificial intelligence, machine learning and radiomics, biophysical mechanisms in living beings, semi-automatic and automatic analysis of preclinical and clinical data. Different experimental techniques from University laboratories and nearby Hospitals (especially IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Mondino and IRCCS S. Matteo) are supported. ICAM researchers have also collaborations with several other Hospitals and Health Centers like CNAO Foundation (Pavia), Ospedale Niguarda (Milano), European Institute of Oncology (IEO) and Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori (Milano).

ICAM mission is also the formation of researchers through specialized Schools and courses, directed both to pre-graduate and post-graduate students and to healthcare professionals.

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